Konferens möjligheter

Boka din konferens på Trunna Vandrarhem i Orsa!

Fiskehelg: 15-17 juni 2018

Plans are well underway for a fishing weekend in Orsa 15-17 June 2018. The weekend is a part of the Trunnagården conference series and will include shorter christian devotional & discussion times. Local fishing experts Nils and Hampus visited Trunna Hostel yesterday for planning. Should be a great weekend!
Friday: 18:00 dinner followed by trout fishing at Vålasjön and Unnån river
Saturday: 08:00: Breakfast. Fishing at Ätjärn for char, trout and grayling. (boats are available)
Lunch at the lake
Evening meal at Trunna Hostel followed by evening fishing trip
Sunday: 08:00 Breakfast followed by final fishing session.
13:00: Final meal at Trunna Hostel
Cost: Food and lodging 1300 kronor
Additional costs for licence and equipment (if required)
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